Mind! New in print / More on youth

20 March 2011

New books from The Worldwatch Institute, Friends of the Earth International, IFAD and others.

Global food security: Ethical and legal challenges
C.M. Romeo Casabona, L. Escajedo San Epifanio and A. Emaldi Cirión (eds.), 2010.
Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. 532 pages. Read more

Rural poverty report 2011. New realities, new challenges: New opportunities for tomorrow’s generation
2010. IFAD, Rome. 317 pages. Read more

State of the world 2011: Innovations that nourish the planet
L. Starke (ed.), 2010. The Worldwatch Institute, Washington. Earthscan. 270 pages. Read more

Who benefits from GM crops? The great climate change swindle
R. Hall, S. Fleet and K. Chandrasekaran (eds.), 2010.
Friends of the Earth International, Amsterdam. 35 pages. Read more

Nourishing the land, nourishing the people: A Madagascar success story
B. Thierry, B. Shapiro, A. Woldeyes, H. Ramilison and A. Rakotondratsima, 2010.
IFAD, Rome/CABI. 202 pages. Read more

Farmer-led joint research: Experiences of PROLINNOVA partners
C. Wettasinha and A. Waters-Bayer (eds.), 2010.
PROLINNOVA, Leusden. 87 pages. Read more

More on youth

Several online resources show the important role that youth play in rural areas. Some of these are collected on the site of the ARDYIS project (Agriculture, Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society), put together by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). Two other websites that are worth a visit are those of the 19th edition of the Brussels Briefings and the “Youths and Agriculture” section of the Future Agricultures website. Both elaborate on the potential of rural youth; the latter includes a four-page policy briefing on youth aspirations and African agriculture.

FAO and ILO have jointly developed a web site focusing on issues such as child labour in agriculture and youth employment, which contains general information and specific articles and reports. ILO, FAO and UNESCO (2009) have also published a report entitled “Training and employment opportunities to address poverty among rural youth”. Another document, published jointly by FAO and UNESCO, is “Education for rural development: Towards new policy responses” (2003). Though not available online, two comprehensive publications are “Giving youth a voice” (Marilyn Minderhoud-Jones, 2006) and “Young people, education, and sustainable development: Exploring principles, perspectives, and praxis” (edited by Peter Corcoran and Phillip Osano, 2009). (LvdB)