Farming Matters | 33.1 | April 2017
This issue of Farming Matters is about food sovereignty: a self-organised, grassroots response to today’s problematic food and farming system. Diverse people, such as producers, consumers, peasants, migrant farm workers and urban citizens are uniting around initiatives to regain control over their food and natural resources.
The experiences presented in this issue address interwoven issues related to production, processing, trade and consumption of food. Together they highlight the value of tackling policy at multiple levels while taking practice into one's own hands.
South Korea
Northern Europe
Editorial: Food Sovereignty from the ground up by Adam Payne, Stanka Becheva, ILEIA
Opinion: Peasants embody food sovereignty by Massa Koné
Agroecology for food sovereignty by Leonardo van den Berg, Margriet Goris, Heitor Mancini Teixeira, Irene Maria Cardoso, Izabel Maria Botelho
Resisting land grabbing in Germany by Paula Gioia
Opinion: Nutrition grows in farmers’ fields by Mariann Bassey
Mind! > Books and films by ILEIA
We are not too young by Linda Kabaira
Perspectives: The vitality of everyday food by Stephen Sherwood, Myriam Paredes, Alberto Arce
An update from ILEIA by Edith van Walsum