AUTHOR Suprabha Seshan
Opinion: Land is moneyDecember 22nd, 2011“Investments” in southern India have very negative consequences, says Suprabha Seshan. “In my immediate neighbourhood, a tea farm sells at 1 million rupees an acre. A few years ago it would have been a fifth of this price. Of course this means that rural people are leaving the countryside. They are leaving independent and stable … Read moreOpinion: Land is money
Suprabha Seshan
Opinion: Land is money
December 22nd, 2011
“Investments” in southern India have very negative consequences, says Suprabha Seshan. “In my immediate neighbourhood, a tea farm sells at 1 million rupees an acre. A few years ago it would have been a fifth of this price. Of course this means that rural people are leaving the countryside. They are leaving independent and stable … Read moreOpinion: Land is money