A meeting or an event can be a tipping point for change. New ideas can emerge, mutual understanding can be forged, or a declaration can be collectively written. Whatever the case, often many more people can benefit from the experience of an event than those who can be physically present. Effective documentation of an event can help to harvest some of this benefit for an infinite number of people. We have extensive experience in documenting events so that the voices of the people in the room are transmitted in a clear, genuine and powerful way while keeping the messages concise.
Related news:
New report: How to amplify agroecology
November 17th, 2016
A new report by ILEIA brings together the insights from a landmark meeting on building the agroecology movement. Over 70 individuals shared the fruit from decades of hard work and activism.
Outcomes regional meetings on agroecology
July 6th, 2016
In an effort to embed agroecology within local and regional realities, three regional meetings on agroecology were organised in 2015: one for Latin America and the Caribbean, one for Africa and one for Asia and the Pacific.
Nyéléni Forum: agroecology for food sovereignty!
March, 2015
At the end of February, around 300 peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous people and consumer group representatives from all continents gathered in the town of Sélingué in Mali with the aim to articulate their vision of agroecology.
Towards stronger family farms – the close of the IYFF
December, 2014
New report by FAO and ILEIA synthesises main recommendations of the International Year of Family Farming.